Talking of the processor, unlike the US version which is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 chipset, the Indian version is powered by a 1.6GHz 8-core Exynos Octa 5 CPU and 2GB of RAM. The phone also includes other features like a 13-megapixel camera with zero shutter lag, a 2-megapixel camera at the front capable of recording videos in Full HD at 30fps, a choice of 16GB/32GB/64GB memory variants with microSD card support. In addition to the above, the phone also includes connectivity options like NFC, Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi and also includes a 2,600-mAh battery and a built-in IR Blaster. The phone is also the first non- Nexus device to run on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean wrapped under the latest version of TouchWiz which sports a much cleaner and minimalist look.
Apart from the impressive list of hardware specifications, the Galaxy S 4 is also crammed with never before seen software features. The phone comes with features that make using your device easy like Air Gesture, Air View, S-Translate, Smart Scroll, Smart Pause, S-Health, S- Travel, Knox and Group Play among others. Unlike cameras on other devices, Samsung has added a lot of software addons, like Dual-Shot, Sound Shot and Drama Shot, to make it easy for a user to click one’s desired photo. It’s quite a task to list them all.
With the launch of the Galaxy S 4, Samsung has strayed from the norm where it used to have pre-orders and an exclusive window period for its exclusive Samsung stores. You can head over to Samsung’s eStore or visit Reliance Digital tomorrow to buy the phone. Samsung also promised that other retail stores across the country will start selling the flagship device over the weekend.
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